3 Assertive Communication Tips to Keep Clients Coming Back!

Sign up for the Client Retention Boot Camp interest list and receive three strategies to help you effectively communicate with your clients


Client retention issues are a painful reality in private practice.

Too often, clinicians (and even their supervisors) not only struggle with foundational clinical skills, but also lack non-clinical communication techniques and assertiveness training required to effectively fill and retain their clinical caseloads. Clients miss a session…then two….then suddenly disappear into the background like Homer Simpson in that famous backing-up-into-the-bush GIF.

What if you and your clinicians could learn tried and true methods resulting in engaged, active clients?

Good news - I have just the concrete communication tips you need!

Sign up for the CRBC interest list and you’ll receive our FREE mini-training, “3 Assertive Communication Tips to Keep Clients Coming Back!” 

Each day for three days, you’ll receive a video email *plus* worksheet with a professional communication tip that will make you an assertiveness pro! These are actionable strategies that you can implement right away, and watch your outcomes shift. In other words, this is GOLD! 

Ready to get started? Sign up now to get communication tip #1 in your inbox, and be on your way to better Client Retention, today!